While investigating Twitter and all of the resources available I have never liked a social media outlet more. I had a Twitter account for about a week while I was in my early years of my undergraduate degree and I just thought that it was another resource that gave out too much information and exposed too many personal items. I began by following my friends and many famous people and I just thought it was an area where people would post what was on their minds or their opinions on various subjects, which didn't seem very unique or interesting to me. After much exploration and reading the nine reasons to Twitter in our textbook as well as the extra resources that you posted, I really like Twitter and the educational opportunities that it offers. For this course I created a teacher account where I am following people in the education world that actually offer helpful pieces of information. I also am enjoying following various news outlets in order to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the world. It has been great collaborating with other educators in order to enhance the classroom experience.
While researching Twitter I came across many additional resources that can be used to enhance the Twitter experience. These include:
-Twitonomy: is a free tool that allows you to see an overview of your Twitter account as well as compare it to others.
-Commun.it: This is a relationship management tool that allows you to categorize people by using the following:
Influencer – High number of followers with a high retweet ratio
Supporters – People who often share or retweet your content
Engaged members – People you engage with on a regular basis – they talk to you and you talk to them!
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