Monday, February 24, 2014

Twitter Chat

I participated in two Twitter Chats. I participated in #flipclass and #edtechchat. Both discussions were very beneficial to my classroom instruction. I am looking at incorporating more technology into my classroom and eventually start flipping my math classroom. Many of the tools that were shared are resources that I can use to enhance my teaching approach. I really enjoyed the multiple comments that people were able to make in order to keep the conversation going and contribute to the overall learning. The chats offered different resources to utilize and gave several credible news articles to support using such resources in the classroom. One thing that I found challenging was the fast pace of the tweets. I found myself constantly having to scroll up and down in order to be able to read each tweet and get the useful resources and information I was looking for. Overall, I really enjoyed participating in my Twitter Chats and I feel as though I will continue participating in them in the future.

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